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Digital infrastructure
for business

For government and enterprises we offer On-Premise Hardware/Software
solution, ready to use, including


Included: Email system, Video conference system, Chat​

Store, Process, Own and Exchange files and documents


Digital Trust – a set of solutions for creating a reliable and secure digital infrastructure environment

Digital Trust provides users with:
secure access to DI storage and processing of data in an isolated secure environment, data privacy, reliable control over operations with confidential data


Unified Communications – secure internal and external communications that allow

  • Quick deployment of your own email system with an ability to send encrypted messages over secured connections.
  • Private messaging system based on open-source software with P2P (point-to-point) encryption.
  • Video teleconferencing using secure encrypted environment.econfigured to automatically restart in case of failure, all components of the system have backup copy.

Data Governance – true data

  • All keys and passwords for data management belong to the owner
    of the DI.
  • Using open-source software protects the owner of the DI from the
    risks while using proprietary solutions.
  • High level of fault tolerance – all data in the DI is duplicated inside
    of the infrastructure, all virtual machines and containers are
    configured to automatically restart in case of failure, all components
    of the system have backup copy.